Publicación de libros resultantes de investigaciones académico-científicas en el area de Ciencias de la Información

Tratamiento temático de las colecciones de animación: aproximaciones desde archivos, bibliotecas y museos

Admeire da Silva Santos Sundström


Sinopsis: Los documentos audiovisuales traen numerosos desafíos a la Ciencia de la Información brasileña en cuanto a la identificación de su tema principal, y hacen más complejo el momento de preparar un resumen e identificar palabras clave para su respectiva catalogación. Guiado por tales cuestiones, este libro encuentra su objeto de estudio en la animación y presenta discusiones teóricas y casos prácticos sobre los métodos utilizados en el tratamiento temático de la animación. Los casos analizados corresponden a las siguientes instituciones: Museo del Cine de Animación Lula Gonzaga (MUCA), Museo de la Animación de Belo Horizonte (MUABH), Productora Anaya y Cinemateca Brasileira. Se espera que este trabajo pueda contribuir al proceso de análisis y descripción de documentos audiovisuales en el contexto de unidades de información, así como a despertar el interés por documentos audiovisuales que también requieren una perspectiva de las Ciencias de la Información.

Digital Curation and Gender in Information Science: access and preservation

Maria José Vicentini Jorente, Rosa San Segundo, José Antonio Frías Montoya, Daniel Martínez Ávila, Stephanie Cerqueira Silva (Eds.)


Sinopsis: The world of presences is simulated, presented and represented on digital environments. In the context of digital-virtual communication, and from the recent transformations on their supports, information multimodal collections move to a state in which informational subjects’ access to information can be facilitated and expanded. In such a universe, represented information and data need conceptual and technical treatments that respect the nature and particularities of the media and languages that transit through them. In addition, as they are processed on a fragile medium such as the digital medium, information encoded on electronic media also needs procedures and curation aimed at its integral preservation. In Information Science, the set of continuous and iterative procedures aimed at meeting the demands of curation to optimize access and preservation is named Digital Curation: a complex of processes that range from the initial design and conceptualization, to metadata designation, appraisal for preservation or disposal decisions, transformation, access, sharing and re-appraisal of digital objects. When it comes to gender issues, conditions are more acute as the need for Digital Curation becomes more pressing when we are faced with the dramatic events concerning its multiple territories. In them, information must be processed with the socio-cultural purpose of creating strategies and instruments to overcome numerous challenges and current injustices. The book Digital Curation and Gender in Information Science: access and preservation addresses, through the combined vision of authors from the national and international panorama, issues concerning some gender issues in the perspective of improvements provided by Digital Curation actions and the particulatiries of preservtion and acces that apply.